Featured stories

When we share our stories,
we become stronger together.

Here, we’re honored to feature videos giving voices to people in and around Austin living with HIV.

Austin, you can help end the HIV epidemic in our community. Meet people from all walks of life who have gotten into treatment and reclaimed their power over HIV.

Ken M.

After his initial HIV diagnosis, Ken was given just five years to live. Today, more than 20 years later, he is living with the freedom and confidence that comes from achieving U=U status.

Kaylyn T.

After feeling that “everything was going downhill” following her diagnosis, Kaylyn embraced education and treatment. Today, she lives with peace of mind, security, and U=U status.

Alfonso C.

Undetectable and untransmittable for more than a decade, Alfonso knows that getting into treatment quickly means getting back to living your life fully and happily.

Ken M.

After his initial HIV diagnosis, Ken was given just five years to live. Today, more than 20 years later, he is living with the freedom and confidence that comes from achieving U=U status.

Kaylyn T.

After feeling that “everything was going downhill” following her diagnosis, Kaylyn embraced education and treatment. Today, she lives with peace of mind, security, and U=U status.

Alfonso C.

Undetectable and untransmittable for more than a decade, Alfonso knows that getting into treatment quickly means getting back to living your life fully and happily.

Ken M.

After his initial HIV diagnosis, Ken was given just five years to live. Today, more than 20 years later, he is living with the freedom and confidence that comes from achieving U=U status.

Kaylyn T.

After feeling that “everything was going downhill” following her diagnosis, Kaylyn embraced education and treatment. Today, she lives with peace of mind, security, and U=U status.

Alfonso C.

Undetectable and untransmittable for more than a decade, Alfonso knows that getting into treatment quickly means getting back to living your life fully and happily.